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September 18th , SMCR Seminar 2024 Dr. Andreas Menzel @ Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg

Updated: Aug 28

GI-CoRE Cooperating Hub/Soft Matter Collaborative Research Unit (SMCR), Faculty of Advanced Life Science will hold the SMCR Seminar 2024 as below:

【Speaker】Dr. Andreas Menzel, (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg)

【Date and time】September 18th(Wed), 2024, 15:00-16:00

【Venue】Community Hall, 1st floor North campus build. 7 (Kita 21 Nishi 11, Kita-ku,         Sapporo)


Advanced registration: not required / Admission fee: free


Soft Matter Collaborative Research Unit

Faculty of Advanced Life Science

E-mail: smcr(at)



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