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International Leading Research "Low Entropy Polymer Network Materials" has been started

International Leading Research "Low Entropy Polymer Network Materials" (PI: Professor Jian Ping Gong, Faculty of Advanced Life Science) has been newly selected for the 2022 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research) (International Collaborative Research Acceleration Fund (International Leading Research)).

Fund for the Promotion of Joint Intenational Research (International Leading Reseach)

The purpose of the Fund is to promote the further development of original and pioneering research by providing flexible, large-scale, long-term support for outstanding international joint research.

By allowing research groups led by outstanding Japanese researchers to play a central role in international networks, we aim not only to produce research results of high international academic value, but also to further internationalize and raise the level of research in this academic field as a whole.

Furthermore, the participation of postdoctoral fellows and graduate students is expected to contribute to the development of researchers who will play a central role in the international research community in the future, as well as to the maintenance and development of the foundation for international joint research over the medium to long term.

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